देन को इंग्लिश में क्या बोलते हैं? - den ko inglish mein kya bolate hain?


देन = GIFT(Verb)

उदाहरण : एक स्ट्रिंग देनी ही होगी
Usage : He gifted her a precious watch.

देन = ENDOWMENT(Noun)

Usage : his generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time


देना = RENDER(TransitiveVerb)

उदाहरण : % s आपको बुला कर रहा है, क्या आप जवाब देना चाहते हैं?
Usage : Thousands of people rendered homeless by the earthquake.


उदाहरण : सचिन को डॉक्टरेट की उपाधि देना चाहती है मुंबई यूनिवर्सिटी |
Usage : he claims that the present administration is corrupt

देना = FEED(Verb)

Usage : The baby had the last feed two hours ago.

देना = CAUSE(Verb)

Usage : they are trying to determine the cause of the crash

देना = TENDER(Verb)

Usage : Dinesh Karthik tendered his "unconditional apology" to BCCI for Caribbean Premier League appearance.

देना = TAKE(Verb)

Usage : because they want to take risks

देना = LET(Verb)

Usage : Let him go to th emarket.

देना = GRANT(TransitiveVerb)

Usage : His parents granted him permission to play.
The court granted him bail

देना = ISSUE(Verb)

Usage : the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone

देना = BEAR(Verb)

Usage : The juggler was managing show of a bear.

देना = EXTEND(Verb)

Usage : The minister has extended his visit for another week.

देना = DISPENSE(Verb)

Usage : I was dispensed from this terrible task

देना = SERVE(Verb)

Usage : his powerful serves won the game

देना = ADMINISTER(Verb)

उदाहरण : चक्रवात पीड़ितों को राहत देने के लिए एक विशेष दल को बुलाया गया।
Usage : A special team was called to administer relief to the cyclone victims.
The fits of the patient were stopped by administering an injection of medicine.

देना = TREAT(Verb)

Usage : The government wanted 'to treat them as traitors and punish them accordingly.

देना = SPARE(Verb)

Usage : Could you please spare come food for me?

देना = MAKE(Verb)

Usage : This table is made of wood.
She is making a beautiful dress.
She makes her own dresses.
Please make your beds before you go out.
He makes a lot of money by giving tutions.

देना = OFFER(Verb)

Usage : a generous offer of assistance

देना = PROVIDE(Verb)

Usage : The hostess provided lunch for all the guests

देना = LEND(Verb)

Usage : Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company

देना = SWEAR IN(Verb)

Usage : The speaker of the House swore in the new President

देना = RETURN(Verb)

Usage : on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party

देना = LAND(Verb)

Usage : Dont worry you will land a good job.

देना = TRANSMIT(TransitiveVerb)

Usage : Parents should not transmit fears to their children by over protection.

देना = YIELD(TransitiveVerb)

Usage : The militants yielded six Indian soldiers to the Army.

देना = HAND(Verb)

Usage : he had the hands of a surgeon

देना = ADDRESS(Verb)

Usage : he listened to an address on minor Roman poets

देना = POUR(Verb)

Usage : pour water over the floor

देना = ASCRIBE(Verb)

Usage : He who commits a mistake or iniquity and ascribes it to one who is innocent, is guilty of calumny and brazen sin.

देना = GIVE(Noun)

उदाहरण : प्रत्येक नमूने की एक बूंद का विश्लेषण किया गया था

देना = DO(Verb)

Usage : He has to do work.

देना = AFFORD(Verb)

Usage : They can not afford a car right now.

देना = NURSE(Verb)

Usage : Florence Nightingale established the profession of a nurse as service to the mankind.

देना = DELIVER(Verb)

Usage : The commencement speaker presented a forceful speech that impressed the students

देना = TEND(Verb)

Usage : She tends to be nervous before her lectures

देना = ACCORD(Verb)

Usage : His thoughts and actions do not accord.

देना = SETTLE(Verb)

Usage : The baby would not settle.

देना = METE OUT(Verb)

Usage : So Allah will mete out to him the greatest punishment.

देना = ALLOW(Verb)

Usage : It is a crime to allow minors to drive.

देना = SPREAD(Verb)

Usage : she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread

देना = INVEST(Verb)

Usage : Chinese smartphone maker plans to invest over Rs 4,000 crore in india .

देना = ATTACH(Verb)

Usage : The spiders thread attached to the window sill

देना = GIVE AWAY(PhrasalVerb)

Usage : The principal gave away the prizes to the winners.

देना = PRESENT(Verb)

Usage : that is enough for the present

दान को अंग्रेजी में क्या कहते हैं?

दान करना {transitive verb} donate {v.t.} endow {v.t.} give {v.t.}

लेन देन को अंग्रेजी में क्या कहते हैं?

लेन-देन MEANING - NEAR BY WORDS Usage : Trading is his profession.

डेन का मतलब क्या होता है?

den - हिन्दी में अर्थ विज्ञापन-मुक्त अनुभव और भी बहुत कुछ।

लेन देन को हिंदी में क्या कहते हैं?

१. लेने और देने का व्यवहार । आदान प्रदान । २.

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