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Health Care Devices

Nebulizer Online - Breathe Easy

With the ever-increasing pollution and dust, more and more people are prone to respiratory diseases. If you have been affected recently, you can buy a nebulizer and keep it with you, as it is a good device to rely on, especially during emergencies. You don’t have to head to an outlet, as you can buy it online from your preferred shopping site. From Omron to Philips, you can find a device from a brand of your choice online. So, let’s have a look at this device more closely to understand it better, shall we?

What Is a Nebulizer?

If you are suffering from Asthma, your doctor would have probably suggested you to use a nebulizer. They are basically battery-powered machines that turn liquid medication into mist. You can place the mouthpiece over your mouth and nose to breathe in the medicine. There are two major types of this device - electric and battery-run machines. Both of them are usually portable and can be carried along, even when you are traveling. 

How Does It Work?

This machine converts liquid medicine to mist when pressurized air is passed through it. These machines are ideal for short-acting cases as well as long-acting cases. The types of medication that can be used in a atomizer include albuterol, ipratropium, budesonide, and formoterol. The medicine that should be taken via the appliance will be based on your doctor’s prescriptions. 

Why a Portable Nebulizer During Emergencies?

This device is always the preferred choice over inhalers in the case of an emergency respiratory attack. This is because, when you face an emergency, it is easier for you to inhale the medicine which is in the form of a mist than spray. Your airflow also becomes narrow and this makes it difficult for you to take deep breaths (which is crucial for an inhaler). 

Nebulizer for Kids

It’s not just the adults who find this appliance easier to use, but even children. Considering the fact that you don’t have to do much besides putting on the mask over your mouth and nose, this device will be a handy one for your child to use in case of a respiratory problem. The nebulizer prices online make it an affordable device to have. 

Taking Care of Your Device

Atomizers need to be cleaned after every time they have been used. This is because you are directly breathing mist from the machine. This type of an asthma machine is prone to bacterial growth and therefore, must be cleaned well. It is also a good practice to change the tube of the device frequently. Depending on how often you need to use the asthma machine (as per your doctor’s prescription), you can increase/decrease the frequency of changing the tubes accordingly.

Trending Searches: Omron Nebulizer Machine, Nebulizer Machine for kids

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